






儿童地质学里一共包含了10个章节,每个章节下会有文字的资讯讲解 + YouTube视频教学。另外还有特制的Presentation Slide,让孩子可以重温整个主题,妈妈们也可以用来向孩子们做内容讲解。 每个章节下还有Lapbook/Notebooking笔记,再配合上不同的主题活动(Activities)。最后每一个章节都会有一个Quiz,让孩子在上完一个章节后可以做个测试。

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1 - Geology Introduction

    • What is Geology

    • Video - What Is Geology

    • What Does a Geologist Do?

    • Video - A Day In Geologist's Shoes

    • Activity 01 - Let's Watch A Video To Start Your Journey

    • Quiz 01

  • 2

    Chapter 2 - Inside The Earth

    • Video - Earth Layers

    • Earth Layers

    • The Lithosphere & Asthenosphere

    • Video - Could I Dig Thru The Earth?

    • Topic Review PPT - Inside The Earth

    • Earth Layer Lapbook

    • Earth Layer Notebooking

    • Activity 01 - Earth Layer

    • Quiz 02

  • 3

    Chapter 3 - Plate Tectonics

    • What is Plate Tectonics?

    • Video - Tectonic Forces

    • Plates Boundaries

    • Video - Plates Boundaries

    • Continental Drift

    • Pangaea

    • Video - What is Pangaea

    • Topic Review PPT - Plate-Tectonics.pdf

    • Plate Tectonics Lapbook

    • Plate Tectonic Notebooking

    • Activity 01 - Plate Tectonics puzzle

    • Activity 02 - Oreo Cookie Plate Tectonic

    • Quiz 03

  • 4

    Chapter 4 - The Ring Of Fire

    • Ring of Fire

    • Video- Ring Of Fire

    • What Is an Earthquake?

    • Video - What is an Earthquake?

    • When does earthquake happen?

    • Video - Earthquakes 101

    • Seismic Waves & The Magnitude

    • How To Stay Safe During An Earthquake?

    • Video - Kids Earthquake Safety

    • Topic Review PPT - Earthquake.pdf

    • Extra PPT - Earthquake-Safe-Building.pdf

    • Earthquakes Lapbook

    • Activity 01 - How to Make a Seismograph

    • Activity 02 - Earthquake Epicenter Experiment

    • Activity 03 - Building Earthquake Proof Buildings

    • Quiz 04

  • 5

    Chapter 5 - Tsunami The Harbor Wave

    • What Is a Tsunami?

    • Video - How Tsunami works?

    • How is a Tsunami Formed?

    • Video - 101 Tsunami

    • Early warning signs of a tsunami

    • Video - How To Survive From A Tsunami

    • Top 10 Worst Tsunami in History

    • Homeschool Share - Tsunami Lapbook 01

    • Topic Review PPT - Tsunami.pdf

    • Activity 01 - Tsunami Experiment

    • Activity 02 - Tsunami Origami

    • Quiz 05

  • 6

    Chapter 6 - Mountain

    • What Is A Mountain

    • How Are Mountains Formed?

    • Video- Where Do Mountains Come From?

    • Types Of Mountains

    • Video - Mountain Ranges

    • Topic Review PPT - Mountain

    • Activity 01 - Mountain Rice Krispies Treats

    • Activity 02 - Mountains-minibook

    • Activity 03 - Make Your Own Mountain

    • Activity 04 - Paper Mountain

    • Quiz 06

  • 7

    Chapter 7 - Volcanoes

    • What is a Volcano?

    • Three Volcano Stages

    • How Are Volcanoes Formed?

    • Types Of Volcanoes

    • The Benefits Of Volcanoes

    • Video - Pompeii Volcano Eruption

    • Homeschool Share - Volcano Lapbook 01 (What Volcano Do For Us)

    • Homeschool Share - Volcano Lapbook 02 (Where Are The Volcanoes?)

    • Homeschool Share - Volcano Lapbook 03

    • Topic Review PPT - Volcanoes.pdf

    • Volcano Lapbook

    • Volcano Notebooking

    • Activity 01 - Volcano Science Experiment

    • Activity 02 - Fizzing Baking Soda Paint Volcano Craft

    • Activity 03 - Chocolate Lava Cookies

    • Quiz 07

  • 8

    Chapter 8 - Let's Rock

    • The Rocks Cycle

    • Video - The Rocks Cycle

    • 3 Main Types Of Rocks

    • Video - 3 Main Types Of Rocks

    • Famous Rocks around the world

    • Topic Review PPT - Rocks

    • Rocks Lapbook

    • Rocks Notebooking

    • Rocks & Minerals Notebooking Pages

    • Activity 01 - DIY rock's craft

    • Activity 02 - Chocolate Rock Cycle

    • Activity 03 - Edible Rocks

    • Activity 04 - Rocks Experiments

    • Quiz 08

  • 9

    Chapter 9 - Minerals

    • What Are Minerals?

    • Video - What is a Mineral?

    • How are minerals formed?

    • Video - Minerals Formation

    • Properties Of Minerals

    • Video - Identifying Minerals

    • The Uses Of Minerals

    • Video - How We Use Minerals

    • Video- In what ways do you interact with minerals in your daily life?

    • Video - Mohs Scales

    • Activities/Games - MINERAL TRADING CARDS

    • What Do We Use Rocks For?

    • Topic Review PPT - Minerals

    • Minerals Lapbook

    • Minerals Notebooking

    • Activity 01 - Collecting Rocks

    • Activity 02 - Rock Demo Science Fun For Kid

    • Activity 03 - Make Your Own Egg Geode

    • Quiz 09

  • 10

    Chapter 10 - Soil

    • What is Soil?

    • Video - Where Does Soil Come From?

    • What is soil made of?

    • Soil Layers

    • How Is Soil Formed?

    • Video- Soil Layer

    • Why Is Soil Important?

    • Video - Why is soil so important?

    • What Lives in Soil?

    • Types of Soil

    • Video - Types Of Soil

    • Video - Types of Soil Song

    • Topic Review PPT - Soils

    • Soil Lapbook

    • Soil Notebooking

    • Activity 01 - Simple Soil Science

    • Activity 02 - Sediment Soil Jar

    • Activity 03 - Edible Soil Layer

    • Quiz 10
